HAPI—Homeschool Association of the Philippine Islands—held a Homeschool Kids Fair last May 21, 2011. The program was divided into three parts with around 75 kids as participants.
First, the parents and kids could roam around the exhibit hall for a few minutes and view the kids' displays and purchase the food and jewelry that were for sale. Many kids brought their arts and crafts and school projects. There were displays of origami, photography, science inventions, paintings, sketches, handicrafts, miniature houses created by recycled materials, etc.
For the second part, the kids showcased their talents. Some kids sang and others danced. Some did both at the same time. There were also a few groups and individuals that played musical instruments, varying from the violin to the flute to the guitar.
During the last part of the program, the kids and parents went back to the exhibit hall where the winners of prizes were announced and certificates were given to all the kids that participated.
Below are some snapshots of the event, specifically of the displays and the kids as they performed.
Pictures by Jemstone Photography
hope they would have another homeschool kids fair this year! :D